Vestibular Rehab Specialization

Balance disorders can cause unsteadiness or dizziness and can impact daily life and mental health.


Symptoms of balance disorders include dizziness/vertigo, falling/feeling of falling, lightheadedness, blurred vision, confusion, nausea, vomiting, changes in heart rate/blood pressure, and anxiety/panic.


Balance disorders can be caused by health conditions, medications, inner ear/brain problems, low blood pressure, skeletal/visual system problems and age.

Common Diagnoses

Common diagnoses for balance disorders include Central Nervous System Disorders, Neuropathy, Age-Related Balance Dysfunction, Oculomotor Dysfunction, BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), Labyrinthitis, Ménière’s Disease, Vestibular Neuronitis, Muscle Atrophy, Nerve Injuries.


Treatment for balance disorders includes identifying the underlying cause and coordination exercises. Proprioception exercises are also used to improve balance. Strengthening/stretching/ROM exercises are used to improve muscle strength and flexibility. Posture exercises are used to improve posture. Inner ear retraining is used to improve balance. Visual tracking training is used to improve visual tracking. Education is also provided.

Additional Treatment Options

Additional treatment options include reducing fall risk and reducing fear of falling. Care collaboration is also important.

BPPV-Specific Treatment

BPPV-specific treatment includes the Epley maneuver to dislodge otoconia.

When to Seek Help

If you experience unsteadiness, spinning sensation, false movement sensation, falling, lightheadedness, blurred vision, or disorientation seek help immediately!

ActiveCare Physical Therapy offers personalized evaluation and treatment plans for balance disorders.